Only 230 Metres of Tunnelling Remain on Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport Project

The Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport project has achieved a significant milestone with the completion of three major tunnel boring journeys. Mega tunnel boring machines Catherine, Eileen, and Peggy have successfully finished their tunnelling work, moving the project closer to completion.

TBM Marlene is diligently working to complete the final 230 metres of the tunnel, expected to break through at St Marys in the coming weeks.

The TBMs have excavated a staggering 1.4 million tonnes of material, enough to fill 293 Olympic pools, and installed 68,360 concrete segments to line the new tunnel walls.

Work within the tunnels will continue, including the construction of 39 cross passages and preparations for track laying.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese highlighted the project's significance: “Sydney Metro and the new Western Sydney Airport will transform Western Sydney into a global economic hub. Today’s major milestone is a tribute to the great work of more than 10,000 people working on this project.”

NSW Premier Chris Minns echoed these sentiments: “We are committed to building better communities in Western Sydney, and public transport projects like this are creating jobs and cutting travel times, which are critical parts of our plan.”

As the project progresses, it remains on track to not only enhance connectivity and transport infrastructure in Western Sydney but also to create over 14,000 jobs during its construction.