A Groundbreaking Initiative: Historic All-Women TBM Crew to Build Melbourne’s SRL East Tunnels

In a world-first initiative, Ghella, as part of the Suburban Connect consortium, is proud to announce the formation of an all-women Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) crew to construct the twin tunnels of the Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) East in Melbourne. This groundbreaking initiative marks a significant milestone in the global construction industry, setting a new benchmark for gender equality and diversity within the sector. 

Under the leadership of SRL East Tunnels South Construction Manager Isolde Shepherd-Piet, this team of 25 skilled women — including TBM operators, gantry and segment crane operators, and various support roles — will take on this monumental task, breaking new ground both literally and figuratively. 

This initiative is set to inspire future generations of women to pursue careers in construction, further advancing the role of women in the industry. 

The Suburban Rail Loop is a city-shaping project that will deliver six new underground stations in its first stage, reducing travel times and improving connectivity across Melbourne's east and southeast. The SRL East project is not only transforming Melbourne’s public transport network but also creating a long-term pipeline of jobs and opportunities for Victorians. 

The recruitment process for the all-women TBM crew is now underway, with expressions of interest open for those eager to be part of this historic venture. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is available to young women looking to start their careers or those seeking a career change into the construction industry. 

Interested candidates can apply by visiting Suburban Rail Loop Jobs [link text with: suburbanrailloop.vic.gov.au/jobs].